Our Services encompass the Planning.
Design, application and maintenance aspects of medium voltage substations
for utility networks and industrial plants.
GTC is an Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor for Over Head
Power Lines (OHPL) and executed various ranges for Industrial Sectors which include the
OHPL carried out for Saudi Aramco Onshore Maintain Potential Program.
GTC Electrical Engineers have accumulated experience in the field of
transmission, distribution and utilization of Electrical Energy. They
have experience in substations up to 400KV and have specialized skill
in system design & relay selection and co-ordination. In addition, they
are experienced in gas & process industries,
GTC we have been entrusted with the management of substantial power
projects, including supervision of construction work and plant erection,
quality assurance and factory inspections, site testing and final
commissioning of plant and systems. The scope of these projects has
included both new substations and network reinforcements.
We have
been responsible for auditing designs and co-ordination of all primary
plant (switchgear, transformers, capacitor banks, etc., with the
associated protection relaying and telecommunications systems.
* Installation of deep anode bed.
* Installation of surface casing.
* Installation of circuit breaker.
* Installation of power cable for CP.
* Installation of rectifier, rectifier disconnect and power panel.
Our Specialized Services
- Substation and Transformer Work
- OHPL and Services
- Industrial Power Solutions
- UPS / Generators Frequency Drive
- Under Groud Power Distribution
- Lighting /Lighting Controls
- Building Control and Fire System
- Solar Power and Services
- Road way & Right - of - Way Restoration
- High Mast and Street Light Pole
- Motor and Related Control Design
- Medium Voltage Substation Installation
- Infrared Acceptance Testing
- Transformers
- Gas & Oil filled switches
- Voltage Circuit Breakers and Regulators
- Grounding Systems
- Overhead Power Survey and Design
- Construction Assembly design
- Network Design
- Power Distribution Units
- Grid Connection Management
- Site Safety Management
- Right of way and Identification
- Commercial and/or Diesel Generators
- All Commercial & Industrial Grade UPSs
- Power Distribution Units
- Trenching and Pie Placement Work
- Duct Banks
- Manhole / Hand Hole / Precast Structures
- Cable Pulling and Blowing
- Construction and Cable Placement
- Roadway and Right-of-way restoration
- Security and Control System Integration
- Motor and Related Control Design
Light Regulation
Automatic lighting control, energy saving, and I or creation of Scenarios for visual comfort and decor including the control electronics, hardware and software,cabling and control sensors Lighting / Lighting Controls and photocells.
Switchgear Installations, Metering Switching, General protection boards, power panel boards, energy measurement systems panel boards, control panel boards and centralized automatic management control panel boards
Uninterrupted power supply battery equipment, anti harmonic filters, exterior by-pass in simple systems and / or parallel, redundant and / or modular with a block master.
LV Power Lines
Electric power cables and control cables, complete diagram. Prefabricated channels “canals” type, in standard and waterproof, both and depth buried.
local control switches for lighting, sockets normal and industrial, remote controls, power control, data ports, etc.
Power Generators
Energy emergency supply equipment and or Continuous electrical supply.Generator System Installations
Continuous Power supply
Alternative un interrupted dynamic supply equipment ( f lywheel).
Interior Lighting
Lighting fixtures including LED Lighting Layout & Installations
Exterior Lighting
Lighting fixtures for road lighting, garden lighting, facade lighting, etc.
- System Protection, Grounding & Grounding Grids : EPC for equipment grounding systems, and general grounding net- works, buried bare copper conductors, etc. Lightning Rods:EPC for Franklin type electro-atmospheric catchment, creation of Faraday cages, etc.
- Street Lighting Service, Poles / Octagonal Poles & Panel Erection Services
- Automation applications Emergency Electrical Repair & Restoration
- Calibrate and install instrumentation and related control
- Installation of fire alarm control panels, life safety systems, voice evacuation systems, and mass notification systems.
- Voltage Circuit Breakers and Regulators
- Underground Cable Repair, Splicing and Termination
- Overhead Line construction / Installation / Assembly on site is professionally carried out by our installers, taking local conditions into account.
- Power Plants : Turnkey Electrical Power Construction, Industrial Capital Expansion Projects and Control
- Electrical Conduits : EPC for Perforated sheet metal and plastic trays.
- HV conductors & Power transformers installations
- Equipment for Reactive power Compensation & Power Factor: EPC for automatic auto regulated capacitor batteries
- Duct Bank ,Conduit ,Cable Termination and splicing installat ions
- High Mast & Street Light Pole ( Octagonal, Swaged, Tubular. etc) Works
- Industrial, warehouse l ighting design and Installation, High / Low HID Fixtures, Airfield / Runway l ighting, Parking lot , Street , Site Lighting & Site Electrical Work